Nacho Review: Busboys and Poets

Busboys and Poets

The nachos here were pretty much everything you want out of nachos. Plentiful chips and toppings and everything tasted fresh. They were tipped with a cheese sauce making everything very dippable.

The toppings to chips ratio was excellent with there being very few bare chips by the end.

More beans would have been nice but all in all really good standard nachos.

NB Rating: 🔥🧀🔥🧀🔥🧀🔥🧀

Nacho Fest is (probably) the Best Fest

A nacho based festival sounds like heaven on earth. The birthplace of the nacho puts on a festival every year and it sounds like the place to be.

Nachos of every flavor and margaritas for days, sign me up. 

A party like this gets an official Nacho Bros ranking of 🧀🔥 🧀🔥🧀🔥

Nachos and Recent Political Events

The recent passing of a tax bill in Washington, D.C. has brought to light some interesting information tangentially related to nachos.
A completely unconfirmed tweet by a Washington Post reporter indicates that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan worked at Mexican restaurant Tortilla Coast.

Independent research shows they sell at least two kinds of nachos there.

So there’s your occasional dose of politics and nachos. Also, that menu is correct “Real men eat beans and lots of ’em”

The Worst Nachos

There is hardly a time when ordering nachos is a bad idea, but sometimes there are so many red flags it’s your own fault for getting crappy nachos.

All the flags went up for me Thanksgiving 2015 but I went ahead anyway and placed my order.

I was in Cape Town, South Africa during the incident so at least it happened far far away. I was visiting my father with my brother and we had already been there for a few days and had pretty much decided that Thanksgiving dinner wasn’t really going to be a thing for us that year.

Walking around we spotted an interesting restaurant we hadn’t tried already and decided to check it out. The place described itself as Cuban but it was pretty much a mish mash of Cuban TexMex. So nachos were on the menu. Excellent.

I should have know better being so far away from the source material but I went ahead anyway.

What eventually arrived can only be described as what someone thought nachos were after being told second hand about them.

The base was a Dorito like chip, but slathered in pasta sauce and topped with a runny cheese a smattering of olives and maybe a bean hidden somewhere. And it tasted worse than it sounds.

Worst. Nachos. Ever.